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Kıvanç Yıldız

Engineer // Designer // Hacker

An engineer passionate about all things automotive.

In my spare time I like to make websites, and robots.


Technical Director & Chassis Designer for 2019

Helped spearhead the creation of uOttawa's first FSAE team in 2013. Since it's creation the budget increased from $10k to over $70k. Using creative problem solving in the beginning to prove the design to incorporating advanced materials by year 4. Growing the FSAE team was one of my most rewarding experiences.

In my last year I designed the frame where I wrote MATLAB code to optimize tube thickness and created a fully parametrized Solidworks model as well. The 3D CAD was then fed into ANSYS for parametrized analysis. This streamlined workflow helped me iterate faster and create a better product.


Serpentronic is a snake inspired robot that slithers by lifting and moving segments of its body part. This project is built on Arduino and the body parts are fabricated using sheet metal.

There are two custom PCBs. One is a power bus to distribute power to the Servo motors, and the other is an Arduino board designed and etched by me.


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